253 research outputs found

    Ontology-based cross-species integration and analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae phenotypes

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    Ontologies are widely used in the biomedical community for annotation and integration of databases. Formal definitions can relate classes from different ontologies and thereby integrate data across different levels of granularity, domains and species. We have applied this methodology to the Ascomycete Phenotype Ontology (APO), enabling the reuse of various orthogonal ontologies and we have converted the phenotype associated data found in the SGD following our proposed patterns. We have integrated the resulting data in the cross-species phenotype network PhenomeNET, and we make both the cross-species integration of yeast phenotypes and a similarity-based comparison of yeast phenotypes across species available in the PhenomeBrowser. Furthermore, we utilize our definitions and the yeast phenotype annotations to suggest novel functional annotations of gene products in yeast

    Analysis of the human diseasome reveals phenotype modules across common, genetic, and infectious diseases

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    Phenotypes are the observable characteristics of an organism arising from its response to the environment. Phenotypes associated with engineered and natural genetic variation are widely recorded using phenotype ontologies in model organisms, as are signs and symptoms of human Mendelian diseases in databases such as OMIM and Orphanet. Exploiting these resources, several computational methods have been developed for integration and analysis of phenotype data to identify the genetic etiology of diseases or suggest plausible interventions. A similar resource would be highly useful not only for rare and Mendelian diseases, but also for common, complex and infectious diseases. We apply a semantic text- mining approach to identify the phenotypes (signs and symptoms) associated with over 8,000 diseases. We demonstrate that our method generates phenotypes that correctly identify known disease-associated genes in mice and humans with high accuracy. Using a phenotypic similarity measure, we generate a human disease network in which diseases that share signs and symptoms cluster together, and we use this network to identify phenotypic disease modules

    A novel generative adversarial networks modelling for the class imbalance problem in high dimensional omics data

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    Class imbalance remains a large problem in high-throughput omics analyses, causing bias towards the over-represented class when training machine learning-based classifiers. Oversampling is a common method used to balance classes, allowing for better generalization of the training data. More naive approaches can introduce other biases into the data, being especially sensitive to inaccuracies in the training data, a problem considering the characteristically noisy data obtained in healthcare. This is especially a problem with high-dimensional data. A generative adversarial network-based method is proposed for creating synthetic samples from small, high-dimensional data, to improve upon other more naive generative approaches. The method was compared with ‘synthetic minority over-sampling technique’ (SMOTE) and ‘random oversampling’ (RO). Generative methods were validated by training classifiers on the balanced data

    A sentence classification framework to identify geometric errors in radiation therapy from relevant literature

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    The objective of systematic reviews is to address a research question by summarizing relevant studies following a detailed, comprehensive, and transparent plan and search protocol to reduce bias. Systematic reviews are very useful in the biomedical and healthcare domain; however, the data extraction phase of the systematic review process necessitates substantive expertise and is labour-intensive and time-consuming. The aim of this work is to partially automate the process of building systematic radiotherapy treatment literature reviews by summarizing the required data elements of geometric errors of radiotherapy from relevant literature using machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) approaches. A framework is developed in this study that initially builds a training corpus by extracting sentences containing different types of geometric errors of radiotherapy from relevant publications. The publications are retrieved from PubMed following a given set of rules defined by a domain expert. Subsequently, the method develops a training corpus by extracting relevant sentences using a sentence similarity measure. A support vector machine (SVM) classifier is then trained on this training corpus to extract the sentences from new publications which contain relevant geometric errors. To demonstrate the proposed approach, we have used 60 publications containing geometric errors in radiotherapy to automatically extract the sentences stating the mean and standard deviation of different types of errors between planned and executed radiotherapy. The experimental results show that the recall and precision of the proposed framework are, respectively, 97% and 72%. The results clearly show that the framework is able to extract almost all sentences containing required data of geometric errors

    The role of ontologies in biological and biomedical research: a functional perspective.

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    Ontologies are widely used in biological and biomedical research. Their success lies in their combination of four main features present in almost all ontologies: provision of standard identifiers for classes and relations that represent the phenomena within a domain; provision of a vocabulary for a domain; provision of metadata that describes the intended meaning of the classes and relations in ontologies; and the provision of machine-readable axioms and definitions that enable computational access to some aspects of the meaning of classes and relations. While each of these features enables applications that facilitate data integration, data access and analysis, a great potential lies in the possibility of combining these four features to support integrative analysis and interpretation of multimodal data. Here, we provide a functional perspective on ontologies in biology and biomedicine, focusing on what ontologies can do and describing how they can be used in support of integrative research. We also outline perspectives for using ontologies in data-driven science, in particular their application in structured data mining and machine learning applications.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbv01

    The Units Ontology: a tool for integrating units of measurement in science

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    Units are basic scientific tools that render meaning to numerical data. Their standardization and formalization caters for the report, exchange, process, reproducibility and integration of quantitative measurements. Ontologies are means that facilitate the integration of data and knowledge allowing interoperability and semantic information processing between diverse biomedical resources and domains. Here, we present the Units Ontology (UO), an ontology currently being used in many scientific resources for the standardized description of units of measurements

    The anatomy of phenotype ontologies: principles, properties and applications

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    The past decade has seen an explosion in the collection of genotype data in domains as diverse as medicine, ecology, livestock and plant breeding. Along with this comes the challenge of dealing with the related phenotype data, which is not only large but also highly multidimensional. Computational analysis of phenotypes has therefore become critical for our ability to understand the biological meaning of genomic data in the biological sciences. At the heart of computational phenotype analysis are the phenotype ontologies. A large number of these ontologies have been developed across many domains, and we are now at a point where the knowledge captured in the structure of these ontologies can be used for the integration and analysis of large interrelated data sets. The Phenotype And Trait Ontology framework provides a method for formal definitions of phenotypes and associated data sets and has proved to be key to our ability to develop methods for the integration and analysis of phenotype data. Here, we describe the development and products of the ontological approach to phenotype capture, the formal content of phenotype ontologies and how their content can be used computationally.The National Science Foundation (IOS:1340112 to G.V.G.), the European Commission H2020 (grant agreement number 731075) to G.V.G. and the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (to R.H.)

    Quantitative comparison of mapping methods between Human and Mammalian Phenotype Ontology

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    Researchers use animal studies to better understand human diseases. In recent years, large-scale phenotype studies such as Phenoscape and EuroPhenome have been initiated to identify genetic causes of a species' phenome. Species-specific phenotype ontologies are required to capture and report about all findings and to automatically infer results relevant to human diseases. The integration of the different phenotype ontologies into a coherent framework is necessary to achieve interoperability for cross-species research. Here, we investigate the quality and completeness of two different methods to align the Human Phenotype Ontology and the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology. The first method combines lexical matching with inference over the ontologies' taxonomic structures, while the second method uses a mapping algorithm based on the formal definitions of the ontologies. Neither method could map all concepts. Despite the formal definitions method provides mappings for more concepts than does the lexical matching method, it does not outperform the lexical matching in a biological use case. Our results suggest that combining both approaches will yield a better mappings in terms of completeness, specificity and application purposes